Last Updated: May 15, 2024

Return Policy for Defective and Non-Conforming Products

Returns and Exchanges

We accept returns and exchanges for defective products in the United States and Canada within 60 months of purchase. If you need to return a product due to defects or non-conformity, please contact us to initiate the return process and obtain a Returned Material Authorization (RMA) form. Products must be returned in their original packaging.

RMA Process

To obtain an RMA, simply contact our customer service team. An RMA must be obtained for any and all returns prior to shipment. Shipments returned without an RMA may be refused and returned to the sender at their cost.

Return Shipping

Accuenergy covers return shipping costs for defective products. For all other returns, customers are responsible for the return shipping costs.

Handling Defective or Non-Conforming Products

If the returned products are confirmed as defective or non-conforming, Accuenergy will, at its full discretion, either repair the product, or provide a replacement.

Limitation of Liability

Accuenergy will not be liable for any operational loss, loss of time, loss of profit, or any other consequential or indirect losses. The remedies provided in this policy are the exclusive remedies available to customers for defective or non-conforming products.