Remote Metering and Monitoring

Remote metering is simply the ability to view the metered and monitored data from a remote location, this is possible through an Ethernet or Wireless connection. This process entails having a meter that can work with a network adapter or communication port tied to a router that is then able to broadcast this signal, once the signal is broadcast it can be connected to the end user. Remote monitoring is an integral part of sub metering, allowing for an increased flexibility in project location, a greater ease of access to the meters information, and the improved ability to integrate with various devices and software.
Communication modules such as the AXM-WEB2 dual Ethernet module enable web-ready meters such as the Acuvim II series to be viable options in remote monitoring. Devices such as the AcuRev 2100 series have an innate configuration that allows for remote metering via Ethernet connection. For those devices that do not have the ability for remote access at this time can take advantage of the AcuLink 810 data acquisition and gateway device that connects multiple devices through serial Modbus RS485 communication into web-ready communications.
Remote Metering with AcuMesh
Application & Implemeentation
Remote metering is used in small and large scale projects focusing on sub metering, (PUE) power usage effectiveness, building operations management, demand response, power generation applications and many more.
Remote monitoring is typically utilized in sub metering as the location being monitored is seldom in close proximity to the user who will be examining the data such as landlords and building operators. Additionally this is a good practice to have in that the information can be easily accessed by multiple users for verification, display and behaviour changing purposes. Users can easily add an Ethernet module of their choice to any Acuvim II meter being used to sub meter.
PUE studies are typically enforced or implemented as a means of verifying and illustrating the efficiency of data centers. The information gathered from PUE studies is meant to be showcased and therefore the ease of access and timeliness of the data collected is at a premium, this information needs to be quickly integrated into software via a network connection to an Ethernet-ready device and uploaded as a vital tool in the company’s endeavour for maximum efficiency.
Building Operation Management
Remote metering is a vital tool in building operation management applications. With many devices being monitored in real-time there is simply the need for instantaneous data being delivered from multiple sources, and utilizing remote metering communications such as BACnet IP and Modbus Ethernet allows these operations to run smoothly and seamlessly.
Demand Response
Sometimes a facet of building management, demand response requires up to date information that is readily available in the efforts to stay ahead of peak demand and potential billing spikes. By employing an network system by way of remote monitoring businesses are able to stay on top of demand and minimize energy costs.
Power Generation
In power generation applications such as renewable energy often times the location being monitored is not within close proximity or in a readily available location and therefore remote metering is to be implemented to allow the necessary monitoring to occur.
Application Summary
Remote metering is an integral facet for many metering applications primarily due to the flexibility it offers and the swiftness of its delivery. Remote metering can be easily accomplished in projects working with AcuRev 2100 & Acuvim II series meters taking advantage of their various networking options such as Modbus TCP, SNMP, SMTP, BACnet and others. Once optimized for remote metering the meters are able to connect over a multitude of platforms and software to ensure that the project goals are successfully met.